Kent Country Eye App
Boughton Malherbe Parish Council
Country Eye is a free App to users in Kent; it records and disseminates information using smartphone technology. It was designed to help communities and residents in Kent to receive information and to report non urgent issues quickly and efficiently. The Country Eye team analyse the information and disseminate it as appropriate. This may include email, text or broadcast to other subscriber’s smartphones.
The Country Eye app identifies the following Categories:
Animal, Wildlife Crime – Hare Coursing, Poaching, Suspicious Behaviour
Aviation – Low flying Aircraft, Unusual Activity, Suspicious Behaviour
Farm Crime – Arson, Suspicious Behaviour, Trespass
Fly Tipping
Heritage Crime – Metal Detecting, Night Hawking, Off-Roading, Suspicious Behaviour
HGV Watch
Highways issues.
Kent Fire & Rescue – Hydrant Reporting and Water Reservoirs/Storage on Farms
Maritime - Suspicious Vessels, Vehicles, Behaviour
Unlike messaging using Social Media groups, the integrity of information from Country Eye has been accepted as evidential by the Crown Prosecution Service. The App is also GDPR compliant.
Country Eye have links to the following Agencies:
- Kent Police
- Kent Fire & Rescue Service
- K.C.C. Intelligence Unit
- Special Branch
- The 13 Borough/District Councils in Kent
- Kent Heritage Watch
- Kent Neighbourhood Watch
- Kent Wildlife Trust
- HGV Watch
Sign up is simple; the system requires a contact number, email address and postcode. Personal preferences can be set to enable the location finder and the users chosen radius of information.
Recording information is intuitive; click the camera icon, take an image, identify the exact location, fill in the type of crime, whether you have a crime number, and any other useful information. The time and date will be automatically recorded.
Country Eye went live in 2016 and has over 7,500 users, has reported over 12,000 submissions to various agencies resulting in many arrests.
Visit and follow instructions to download the app.
Find Boughton Malherbe Parish Council
Rill House, The Street, Ulcombe, Boughton Malherbe, Sandway, Kent, ME17 1DR